Call for Abstract

31st International Conference on Psychiatry & Mental Health, will be organized around the theme “Achieving Mental Wellness by understanding Human Mind ”

Psychiatry Meet 2019 is comprised of 16 tracks and 0 sessions designed to offer comprehensive sessions that address current issues in Psychiatry Meet 2019.

Submit your abstract to any of the mentioned tracks. All related abstracts are accepted.

Register now for the conference by choosing an appropriate package suitable to you.

Psychiatry is the clinical strong point devoted to the analysis, prevention, have a look at, and remedy of mental problems. These consist of diverse maladaptations related to temper, behaviour, cognition, and perceptions. Mental health is a level of mental well-being, or a lack of intellectual illness. It is the psychological state of a person who's performing at a good level of emotional and behavioural adjustment .From the angle of positive psychology or holism, intellectual health may additionally consist of an individual's capacity to experience exist good things in life , and create a stability in life and efforts to gain mental resilience.

Adolescent Psychiatry is the department that focuses in, prognosis, remedy and prevention of thinking, feeling and/or behaviour affecting kids, young people and their families. The adolescent psychiatrist uses the knowledge of biological, mental, and social factors in working with patients. The psychiatrist makes a diagnosis primarily based at the pattern of conduct and emotional signs, the use of a standardized set of diagnostic standards along with the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual or the International Classification of Diseases.

<span p="" span="" style="\" font-size:"="">In Psychiatry and mental wellness Cortical advancement is an  accumulation of human cortical gray matter change between the age of 4– 21 years utilizing quantitative 4D maps and time-lapse by groupings. Thirteen energizing children for whom anatomic personality MRI examines were gotten for like clockwork, and for 8– 10 years it had been contemplated. With the assistance of models of the cortical surface and sulcus regional marks, human cortical change may be imagined over the age assortment. The outcome shows that ,higher-arrange alliance cortices develop best after lower-arrange somatosensory and visual cortices, the abilities of which they join, are developed, and afterward phylogenetically more established personality districts develop ahead of time than more moderen ones. Coordinate diverge from customary cortical improvement may moreover help for the learning of some neurodevelopmental issue comprising of youth-beginning schizophrenia or a mental imbalance.

Biomarker is an indicator of normal biological process and biological response to a therapeutic intervention. Biomarkers in biological research principles, patterns, and process have provided acute information on the pathogenesis of various psychiatric disorders. In recent studies the 8 brain imaging procedures (advanced functional/ neurochemical /structural imaging techniques) in Alzheimer's disease are considered as potential biomarkers. The rank of biomarkers in important psychiatric disorder autism is yet to be known. The clinically adaptable biomarkers is yet to be identified in the favourable leads for potential biomarkers that involve parameters of oxidative stress, mitochondrial function, immune system or certain gene clusters.


Forensic child and adult psychiatry is an challenging field which correlate the interaction between two important fields. Forensic psychiatry and the areas of knowledge and expertise that are the purview of the child psychiatrist: child custody, child abuse and child neglect, and the juvenile court.

Forensic psychiatry comes under one of the subfield of psychiatry and is related to criminology. It encircles the interface between law and psychiatry. A forensic psychiatrist provides services such as determination of competency to stand trial to a court of law to facilitate the adjudicative process and provide treatment like medications and psychotherapy to criminals.

psychiatric disorder is otherwise called as mental illness diagnosed by a mental health professional that enormously disturbs your thinking, moods, behavior and badly increases your risk of disability, pain, death, or loss of freedom.

Developmental psychology and abnormal psychology, both are different significant  fields of psychology and which are more popular from the lot. Developmental psychology deals with the mental, cognitive, and psychological changes that occur during a human’s life cycle. Whereas  abnormal psychology deals with the scientific study of irregular occurrences of human thought, emotion and behavior.

<span style="\&quot;font-size:" 13.5pt;\"="">Psychosis is a condition of mind where it could not differentiate what is real and what is not. People with Psychosis may believe or sense things that aren’t real like hearing voices that no other can hear and seeing things that no other can see and become confused or slow in their thinking. Most of the people think of psychosis as a break with reality.


<span style="\&quot;font-size:" 13.5pt;\"="">Industrial and Organizational Psychology is otherwise known as occupational psychology or organizational psychology. It is the science of human behaviour relating to work and applies psychological theories and principles to organizations and individuals in their places of work as well as the individual's work-life.


<p justify;\"="" style="text-align: justify;">Hormone changes that occur during a woman's menstrual cycle  and pregnancy period may play a important role in their mental health. There are many environmental factors are there which may spoil the mental health of a woman like harassment, rape cases and post trauma practices. But most of the woman meets with the mental illness in their pregnancy and menstrual cycle period.


Neuropsychology is the study about the structure and function of the brain and their specific psychological processes and behaviours. It aims to understand how behavior and cognition are influenced by brain functioning and is concerned with the diagnosis and treatment of behavioral and cognitive effects of neurological disorders. Here classical neurology deals with information about physiology of the nervous system and classical psychology deals with mind and its behavioural characteristics. So that Neuropsychology  tends to discover how the brain correlates with the mind. It thus shares concepts and concerns with neuropsychiatry .l. The term neuropsychology normally stands for   lesion studies in humans and animals with respect to the recordings of electrical activity from individual cells or groups of cells.

Neuropharmacology gives data about how sedates influence the sensory system, and the neural mechanisms through which they induce conduct. The two noteworthy branches of neuropharmacology are behavioral and molecular. Behavioral neuropharmacology centers around the investigation of how drugs influence human behaviour, including the investigation of how medicate reliance and addiction influence the human mind.

Neuroplasticity is the ability of the brain to change or adapt itself throughout an individual's life. It may results in the change of proportion of grey matter, and synaptic alterations. Advanced brain imaging technologies are used to investigate neuroplasticity in relation to recovery and treatment of neurologic injury and disease. 

<span style="\&quot;font-size:" 13.5pt;\"="">The individuals with mental illness whorl out of control, the family steps in as caregivers, which places the burden onto the family. The family structure undergoes huge change in order to meet the need of the loved one who is ill. The struggle to handle and provide help for their loved one often creates mal-adaptive behaviors among family members. This type of strain results in family instability, and family members becomes susceptible to the very mental problems they are trying to solve.


Mental Health Rehabilitation is the process of restoration of community functioning and well-being of an individual who are in mentally inconvenient state or affected by mental disorders.

The aim of Rehabilitation is to manage their illness so that they can be successful and satisfied and participate in the community while maintaining an increased level of independence and a high level of quality of life.


<span style="\&quot;font-size:" 13.5pt;\"="">Mental illness covers a huge variety of disorders, from schizophrenia, depression, Alzheimer's, anxiety and self-harm to eating disorders. Psychotherapy is often used either alone or in blend with medications to treat mental illnesses. These days extraordinary advances have been made in the treatment of mental illness. Treatment methods for psychiatric disorders can be categorized as somatic and psychotherapeutic. We will be discussing about somatic treatments including drugs, electro convulsive therapy, and deep brain stimulation such as Transcranial magnetic stimulation therapy on psychotherapeutic treatments and as well as mindfulness-based therapies.



<p style="\&quot;text-align:" justify;\"="">In comparison with many other medical disorders, psychiatric disorders are poorly understood and better treatments are needed. These disorders can be the outcome of many different kinds of experiences in a person's life, from early childhood to later life events. So there is a need for research in psychiatry because of the scale of mental health problems, the challenges of an ageing population and age-associated psychiatric disorders and the fact that, Rehabilitation is really necessary in psychiatry.